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What the Bible Says About Comfort Zones

Most Christians can find their comfort zone, but when they get too comfortable, something may be wrong.


Does being a Christian mean having zero bad habits and imperfections? Christian faith in its true form can feel much like a comforting blanket offering warmth and security. It is strength, it is resilience, and it is a confidence that carries its followers forward each day. From that comfort, complacency can form. From complacency, come bad habits.

Actions and Prayers

Have you ever responded to a problem with prayer? Perhaps you have declared "Lord help us" or that "God will show us the way," during a conversation about troubling times? We can do more than pray for each other. The Apostle John wrote, "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth" (1 John 3:18). Do all you can and then pray, but do what you can and leave the rest up to God. He will help you and others who are experiencing difficulties in life. Be proactive and have faith in God and you won't have to carry all that weight on your shoulders. Place it on Him (Matt 11:28-30).


Bad habits can be hard to identify in ourselves and too easy to spot in other people. Comparing ourselves to others is not wise. It does not matter if we are judging someone to be a lesser or greater person than us, it's just wrong. The Gospel of Matthew is clear that "with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure, you use it will be measured to you." Practice acceptance over judgment. God shows no partiality (Romans 2:1) and neither should we.


With faith comes community. Christianity welcomes you to the arms of those who share your faith. In this community, you will find solace and cheer. We cannot isolate ourselves from the Body of Christ, so ask yourself this question: "Do the ideals of the Christian community prevent us from sharing the teaching of the bible?" With only our peers beside us, our learning can be stunted. How will you learn the true lessons of the Lord if you do not experience them in your own way, but we also need teachers and elders and deacons as they are commanded to teach those in the Body? We cannot learn in a vacuum.


When behavior of others is far from Christian or we judge a person for their lack of faith, should we shun them? Should we exclude them? In some cases, yes we should. If someone is living in sexual immorality, we're not supposed to associate with them (1 Cor 5:11). Otherwise, remember what the Apostle Peter told us. He says that "all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble" (3:9). You must not be afraid to expand your personal community to include people of other faiths but not associate with their religion. Do not stifle your learnings, or teachings by excluding yourself from other people. Learning and accepting the ways of another's faith does not make you less Christian. When you do open up to others and talk to them of your faith in Jesus Christ, don't be surprised if they reject your beliefs. That is their business and your role is to behave as a Christian should and just be a witness. You can't cram religion down someone's throat.

Being Smug

With the Christian lessons you've learnt about the real path to salvation, you know what true love is as you feel the love of Jesus Who loved us first. It is a satisfying feeling to be loved by God. You might feel elevated by that love, but you're not better than others, so check yourself daily. Are you showing the love of God as you are supposed to, or are you holding yourself in higher regard than those around you? Open up so others may feel His love but be humble about the free gift of faith (Eph 2:8-9).

Bible Verses About Pride

Not Living Fully

For most Christians, Sunday is the Sabbath day. It is the designated day to observe God and hear his voice. Even though Sunday is a designated day of worship and praise, it is not exclusive to that. A fuller life can be attained by listening for His voice every day. Your faith is with you in every aspect of your life and it should be celebrated and put into practice. It's not about following strict religious practices, even though small practices of prayer, teaching, and neighborliness will amplify your love for God and for others. Your commitments to God are personal, so unburden yourself from the guilt if you feel you don't measure up.

Praying Thanksgiving

Ask, and it shall be given you (Matthew 7:7). Have you thought about what God has already given you or are your prayers focused on asking for more? What provisions have been provided by God that you can use? Are you truly grateful for what you already have in your possession? A prayer of thanks is a pleasing to God. What we receive in reply to prayer does not always look how we hope, so we must accept that God knows better than us and will give what He believes is right.

Forgiving Yourself

Bible Lessons About ForgivenessWe have all sinned. No Christian is perfect. Have you asked for forgiveness and received it? Have you accepted that forgiveness and moved on, or do you still carry the weight of your past mistakes? Guilt does not make us better Christians nor does it make us martyrs. It is from our mistakes that we learn from God. When you receive forgiveness, you must also forgive yourself so you can move forward. A Christian life is a full and beautiful life, but not perfect. We are human susceptible to failures and illness. These less than perfect experiences test us and build us. Isaiah the Prophet wrote, "Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction" (Isaiah 48:10). Don't assume that your faith is solid and impregnable. Faith does not come ready-made. It is not a one size fits all. Nurture your Christian faith as you would the health of your loved ones. With a nurturing hand, we encourage growth.

About the Author

Beatrice is a professional copywriter at specializing in all kinds of topics. She is always open to share her personal experience and give some advice to beginner writers uncovering all the peculiarities of creating content that sells.

Here is some related reading for you: 5 Keys to Spiritual Growth for Your Family

Resource – Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), Crossway Bibles. (2007). ESV: Study Bible: English standard version. Wheaton, Ill: Crossway Bibles. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Tagged as: Comfort Zone, Comfortable

What the Bible Says About Comfort Zones
